Monday, December 29, 2014

Research, research, research.....

As 2014 comes to a close, I have been busy preparing for my little one to arrive within the next 6 months. It seems totally insane that this time next year I will be picking bits of wrapping paper out of my couch and chasing after the tornado of smiles and toys that is my soon-to-be four year old daughter. :)
So how have I been preparing? Just as any mother would, I have become an information junkie on the following topics:

  • Adoption from China from the perspective of the Birth Mother (Currently reading Message from an Unknown Chinese Mother: Stories of Loss and Love. Amazing, enlightening, and gut-wrenching all wrapped into an eloquent account of the reality of having to give up a child.)
  • How to prepare my extended family and friends for the new arrival (Waiting to start the book: In on It:What Adoptive Parents Would Like You To Know About Adoption. A Guide for Relatives and Friends. I have heard good things about this one- I will get back to you on this as to its actual helpfulness...)
  • Adoption fundraising options. Personally, this is a very sensitive subject and I am treading lightly, but even so, the generosity and support of my friends and family has been overwhelming. This is an AMAZING site by Ami over at Walking by the Way:
  • Possible hotel locations in Taiyuan and Guangzhou to estimate travel costs. Any suggestions would be amazing!
I am hopeful that everyone reading this will have a Happy and Healthy New Year. I am thankful for all I have learned in 2014 and look forward to the lessons of 2015!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Year End Contributions :)

As the clock ticks on the remaining moments of 2014, I would like to reflect on the phone calls, conversations and emails that have brought me to this point in my life. Every second I move closer and closer to bringing my little one home- days it is just a letter or notary stamp away. :) 
As I wait for the last 2 documents for my dossier, the unfortunate realization is that I am also closer to my obligation of adoption fees. Through the generosity of many of my friends and family, we have already raised over $1500. A great sum, but a drop in the bucket of legal fees, registrations, and "mandatory donations". As uncomfortable as it makes me, I would like to ask that if you are still contemplating making a tax-deductible donation for the 2014 year, please consider helping our family. Any amount helps and brings us that much closer to having our little one home safe and sound. Also, if your company matches donations, this would be a great excuse to exercise that company benefit. :) 

You can donate by mailing your donation to:
Cradle of Hope Adoption Center
8630 Fenton St 
Suite 310
Silver Springs, MD 20910
FBO: Zhang Guan Ning
ATTN: Chris Blimmel 

Cradle of Hope will send you a letter confirming your donation for tax purposes. 

By clicking on the link below:

Thank you in advance!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Adoption Struggles

Throughout my research of adoption, I have come to learn that this process is not celebrated without the undertone of loss. Individuals that think otherwise are sadly unprepared or in denial about the fact that in order for my family to come to fruition with the addition of my beautiful little girl, there is a family some where in the world missing a daughter, a niece, a cousin, a grand daughter.

This insightful article offers a small glimpse into the loss, feelings, and reality of international adoption. As I post this, I feel lucky that I have such an amazing support system to help endure the certain trials and tribulations that will accompany this process. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Reflection on Adoption

Friday, December 5, 2014

To the middle of China....

My original plan for international adoption had me traveling to the "Pearl of Africa" -Uganda. After the closure of the Ugandan adoption program by my agency (the best choice when dealing with anything less than 100% ethical), I was referred to the China program.
I had never really considered China as an option for a single woman, so Asia seemed to be the next continent on my travel list.

My LO is located in capitol city of Taiyuan in Shanxi province. For more info on Taiyuan, click HERE.

I am so lucky to be heading to such a new and exciting place that has been home to my little Elizabeth for the last 3 years. :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


As we are all wrapping up our Thanksgiving celebrations of last week (Yes...I know all of you still have some turkey left in the fridge....) I would like to take a moment to say thank you to all of my amazing friends and family that have helped me reach this part of my adoption journey. There are bound to be some bumps in the road ahead, some I am anticipating, others soon to be discovered, but without all of you this endeavor would have never been possible.

I was lucky enough to be in touch with many of these fine people over the holiday break, and was asked numerous times how they could help. Besides the unwavering moral support (and promises to baby-sit... ) a few have offered to help donate to get my little kiddo home from China.

Today being #GivingTuesday, I ask that if you do decide to give, please think of my little Elizabeth and help to get her home. If you are lucky enough to work for a company that offers matching donations, please consider us as well- the charity assisting with our fundraising is a non-profit!

We have a long way to go, but I know that we will get there!!